Monday, March 25, 2019

missing you.. my poor meatball.. Featuring: P.O.S.E

Was eating one of my favorite meals mom made me. Spaghetti and meatballs.. when the most terrible thing happened .... as I stabbed the meatball with my fork and just a bit of it touched my mouth.. it fell right to the floor.. even when i ate another meatball afterwards it just wasn't the same I missed that meatbal.. poor meatball as I see you just under my table and mom mom given me the evil eye holding that chancla in her hand you know the look the i better pick if up look or i'm getting it.. I just stared and the meatball missing it ... poor thing I had to throw you in the garbage.. but just remember no other meatball compares to you

Sunday, March 17, 2019

paper cranes and nature Featuring: Watson Boutique for Thimble a Kids Event

playing with paper cranes and fairies. Got to love nature and umm paper too why not so many things to do with it.. xD
Thimble a Kids Event
March 20th 2019 - April 5th 2019
Outfit: Watson Boutique

Sunday, March 10, 2019

PARTY TIME .... Featuring Watson Boutique for the Boutique Explores Event

Woot Party time in the empty classroom... what huh a murder happened here .. no idea what you talking about i see no umm blood i been here all morning I mean I been home all day i just got here to party dance on the teachers desk yea just here for that really i am   0:)

OUTFIT: WATSON BOUTIQUE (Tweenster Clothing)
{W*B} Party Time Hipster Set

game store run and rage ...Featuring: Watson Boutique for Big Dreams For Big Kid (other credits in Blog)

     Nothing like going to your favorite game store and stocking up on new games to play.. i can't wait and most these games are mmos to my favorite.. now lets see got some new head sets and my new gaming computer all set and ready to go... oh i even got a new outfit too.... 3 days later still on same game and no sleep... wth   what part of help the healer don't you understand I'M THE HEALER SAVE ME DON'T LET ME DIE... awww are you all dead now well boo hoo i guess you will save the healer and not the huntard next time ugggh i'm done  GAME OVER!!!
Big Dreams For Big Kids => Watson Boutique-
{W*B} Trust me i'm a nerd ( comes with shirt and pants)
Junk Food - Lamestop Bag
BackBone Gamer Girl's Desk - Pink / No Toys -
The table comes with two versions: with and without toys.

Special promo for Belle Event - both colours for the price of 1!

Belle is open NOW:

HAIR: #17 {Limerence} Jinger hair-Fatpack RARE

Friday, March 8, 2019

Nightmare o.O Featuring: Emmie's Cookies and Treats for THE Cove Event

    I had a terrible dream i was in a weird land that was ruled by chickens and horses.As i looked around i was munching on chicken nuggets they was so good but then i was spotted. A chicken screamed and said i was eating their children from the nursery all of them i looked down at the nuggets and all of a sudden they looked like fried up baby chicks .. i screamed and dropped the little nugget box. All of a sudden i was on trail and was sentenced death by high drop so one of the chicken guards carried me up  and when he was about to drop me i woke up on the floor of my bed.. Note to self don't go to bed right after stuffing your face u will dream of them o.o

The Cove Event
 Emmie's Cookies and Treats
these are gacha items
Daisy Chicks
Horsie Pals
2 gacha machines:one for Daisy chicks and one for Horsie Pals
Four color variations of Daisy chicks and four color variations of Horsie Pals

* Outfit - [Vk!]  Mab Set_Peach


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Come on spring where are you? .... Featuring Watson Boutique for The Cove Event

Just in my room taking random pics in my new outfit..hoping that wearing it will make the spring weather come faster  >.>

The Cove Event
Featuring: Watson Boutique (unisex) spring is here set

Strawberry Milk Milk Featuring:Lil J's Place for The Cove Event

This is Strawberry Milk Milk shes a cow... shes my cow .
I took her to the meadow to meet my wolves friends but she was a lil scared. Some of them licked her and she didn't like that very much and she might had said a few mean things like we should run them over with the mini tractor.. i can't do that i'm way to sweet to do something like that.. we just wait till my brother is home and run him over instead that way we don't hurt the wolfies.

The Cove Event
Featuring: Lil J's Place
TD Overalls, Tractor, Cow Doll (gacha item rare)

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Gummi Bears Yum yum Featuring Junk Food

 Something about gummi bears you just gotta bit the head off first.. why cuz why not... there so yummy ...and so many colors to eat yummy i'ma start with the blue one there my fav :D

Featuring: Junk Food


Bento animated Gummi Bears Bag and 6 colors of gummi bears for tongue. Red, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Green, and, Pink

Monday, March 4, 2019

make way for the tracker Monster Featuring:THE COVE EVENT - CREDITS IN BLOG

      Working on a farm is tiring.. so i went out  for a bit slipped on my new t-shirt took off to the field to take a little nap. As I was having the best dream I heard a weird sound.. might have been just me hearing myself snoring again.. as I started to dozed AHHH!!!!! ROOOOOOOOOOARRRR!!! Freaking child spawn on a tracker just went right over me... why why did dad have to buy her a mini tracker omg.... i'm never going to walk again my foot my leg omg shes coming back!! o.o

Tracker:[Killi's] Sit-N-Ride Tractor - Red (available in 3 colors RED,bLUE AND YELLOW)

t-shirt: Little Princess - Tweenster Tee - Tractor Dreaming - Wear me 

TD-Bebe Fitted dress: The Dragons Corner - TDC-baby yellow easter dress

Diva!!! No!!,... call me Mrs. Madame .. Featuring P.O.S.E

   Lets see ... digs in mommies stuff.... silk pillow case as dress train check.. crown check... and very old pearls check.. oh can't forget the glasses ... i'm so rocking it aren't i  <3 I know i look like a diva about to make her way to the red carpet but i prefer the title Mrs. Madame ... it's so much glamourous :P~

Pose -  p.o.s.e. madame
comes with pose and glasses only

Bunny meets Fairies - Featuring P.O.S.E.

 This is my pink bunny I call her Pinky cuz shes pik... I took her to the garden to meet the fairies. We had so much fun and the fairies thought Pinky was so nice and comfy :3

Pink bunny pose -  p.o.s.e. pink bunny (Group Gift)