Friday, February 22, 2019

was trying to hide Featuring: P.O.S.E AT Thimble A Kids Event

It's time for afternoon nap time and I don't wanna go so I tried hiding but it didn't work mommy found me way to fast :P~~   Looks up at Mommy.... "Hello "

Featuring P.O.S.E - p.o.s.e. hello


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Make Lava ..? Featuring: Watson Boutique for The Thimble Event

Well i might had taken this a lil to seriously... when someone says make Lava they mean lava cakes not make actual lava so umm if you hear screaming from the volcano it's me so stop laughing and come save me >.<

At The Thimble Event
Shirt: {W*B} Make Lava Not War ( Double Shirt comes in narrow and wider fitted) for Tweenster


*** Baked Tweenster in Lava not included**

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Love Potions really do work :D Featuring: Junk Food in The World of Magic Event

 So I went out today and got on one of my favorite gowns. I felt like a princess in it. All I am missing is a prince ... but how should I get one you ask.. well easy with Junk Food - Love Potion .. Just one sip of this and any guy ....  well the cute ones hopefully ... will fall to their knees in love with you <3



Sunday, February 10, 2019

My Bloody Valentine Featuring: Watson Boutique for The Thimble Event

 You didn't love me so I bagged ya and now ima hack you to pieces muahahaha!! .....  eyes the other body bag... Don't worry bob your next >:)

Tweenster Outfit: From Watson Boutique- At The Thimble Event February Round

{W*B} -Bloody Valentine Meli jumper dress comes with shoes
Sizes:chest and flat chest

LM -

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Poke poke byebye Featuring:Junk Food

one poke  2 pokes 3 pokes 5 how many pokes till the ex drops 8 pokes 9 pokes 10 pokes die hmm not working yet then back to boil you in the coffee pot you go muahahaha

Featuring: Junk Food - Anti Valentine Gacha
needle in hand not included :P~~

New for Gacha Garden, the Anti Valentine's Day Gacha Set, featuring many items for those of you who are single for V-Day.

The Anti Gumball machine gives a random prize when clicked, please keep in mind it's a limited edition prize only for this round of Gacha Garden.
Play 20 times to get the Anti Gumball Machine Seed of Inspiration!

Saturday, February 2, 2019

sleeping in class ... Featuring: Junk Food

Well it's another day in science class and my turn to show off my science project.. I stood in front of the class and froze up and forgot what i was going to say so I started to talk about some random manga I had read which of course was mostly about decay and zombies.. so the teacher made me sit down.. we then messed with some beakers and formula stuff something about not mixing them together and a delay reaction and explosion.. meh whatever I threw it all in the becker at sat and the end of the room... dozed off and was having the most awesome dream. Not long after i dozed off there was a explosion and might not had been that big cuz i was still sleeping.... But one big thing I know is that half the building is missing and  I start in a new school next week.


 New at the Mainstore for Saturday Sale! AFK tables for those of us that login to tune out! Tables are animate on attach, so just wear and set your AFK message. Click the plaque to change the afk messages to: AFK IN PHOTOSHOP IN BLENDER IN MAYA SLEEPING HUNG OVER BINGE WATCHING BLOGGING AFK STEAM AFK GAMING GAMING Now at our New Main Store location in world leave us a like on flickr if you want!